Submarine and Rebel Maverick, the production powerhouses behind acclaimed series like “Undone” and “The Kollective,” have announced a collaboration to bring Sayantani DasGupta’s beloved book series, “Kiranmala & The Kingdom Beyond,” to the small screen in animated form.
The adaptation will be spearheaded by DasGupta herself, who will be joined by Emmy-winning animation writer Michael Ryan. Ryan, known for his work on “Wolfboy and the Everything Factory” and “Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?,” brings a wealth of experience to the project.
First introduced in 2018 with “The Serpent’s Secret,” the “Kiranmala & The Kingdom Beyond” series quickly captured the hearts of readers worldwide. The debut installment garnered critical acclaim and went on to win several prestigious book awards. Its sequel, “Kiranmala & The Kingdom Beyond: Game of Stars,” continued the success, even earning a spot on the New York Times bestseller list in 2019.
The franchise expanded with “Kiranmala & The Kingdom Beyond: The Chaos Curse” in 2020, further solidifying its place in children’s literature. Additionally, a spin-off series titled “Force of Fire” was launched, followed by a third trilogy, “The Secrets of the Sky,” which debuted in July of the previous year.
Now, with the announcement of the animated television adaptation, fans can look forward to seeing their favorite characters and adventures brought to life on screen. The project represents a significant step in bridging the gap between literature and visual media, promising to introduce the enchanting world of “Kiranmala & The Kingdom Beyond” to a whole new audience.
As production gears up for the adaptation, anticipation is high for what promises to be an exciting journey into a realm filled with magic, mystery, and unforgettable characters. Stay tuned for further updates on this eagerly anticipated television event.