Toonz Media Group, a global animation powerhouse, and Driver Studios, a leader in kids and family entertainment, have announced a groundbreaking collaboration to co-produce “The Blahs,” a new 3D animated series targeting 3-8 year-olds on YouTube. This innovative partnership aims to captivate young audiences and leverage the platform’s vast reach, where 86% of US kids engage with entertainment content.
The brainchild of visionary storytellers Rob Kurtz and Dan Markowitz, creators of Driver Studios’ acclaimed Cool School YouTube channel, “The Blahs” is set to premiere on March 31, 2024. The series introduces audiences to a vibrant world inhabited by original characters, including “The Blahs,” their rulers King Gray and Lord Blue, and their neighbor Joy, who spreads light and positivity wherever she goes.
Each of the 30 episodes promises to deliver high-quality entertainment filled with hilarious antics and giggle-inducing mayhem, fostering imagination and curiosity in young viewers. Beyond its animated format, “The Blahs” is poised to become a source of merchandising and licensing opportunities in 2024.
The series is strategically designed for the YouTube platform, utilizing Driver Studios’ proprietary data tool to analyze viewer engagement and inform future episode themes. Scott Weitz, founder & CEO of Driver Studios, emphasized the significance of YouTube as the primary content discovery platform for kids aged 2-12, stating, “Our in-house team created this original content and built it for where data tells us our viewers are watching.”
P. Jayakumar, Chief Executive Officer of Toonz Media Group, highlighted the partnership’s innovative approach, combining Toonz’s expertise in 3D animation with Driver Studios’ pioneering content creation strategies. Executive producers include Jayakumar, Bruno Zarka of Toonz Media Group, and Driver Studios’ Scott Weitz, Diana Horowitz, and Ross Venokur, the award-winning writer and director.
Gigi Meroni, an Emmy Award-winning composer renowned for his work on projects such as “What’s New Scooby Doo?” and “Norm of the North 2-3,” composed the music for “The Blahs,” adding another layer of excellence to the collaboration.
This collaboration between Toonz Media Group and Driver Studios marks a significant milestone in the evolving landscape of children’s entertainment, combining creative vision with cutting-edge technology and data insights. With Toonz leading the 3D animation and Driver Studios driving character development and storytelling, “The Blahs” promises to enchant young audiences worldwide, setting a new standard for digital content tailored to the preferences of today’s young viewers.