Illumination, the powerhouse in animation behind hits like the “Despicable Me” series, and Nintendo, the iconic gaming giant, have announced their collaboration on a new animated film set in the beloved world of Super Mario Bros. This follows their successful partnership on last year’s “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” which grossed over $1.3 billion, solidifying its place as the second highest-grossing film of 2023.
The forthcoming movie, slated for release in theaters on April 3, 2026, in the U.S. and various global markets, marks a continuation rather than a sequel, according to the partners. While the specific characters at the center of the new film remain undisclosed, fans can anticipate a vibrant and imaginative story set in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Chris Meledandri, founder and CEO of Illumination, and Shigeru Miyamoto, representative director and fellow of Nintendo, renowned for his contributions to gaming, will produce the film. Their close collaboration was a key factor in the success of the previous movie, ensuring it stayed faithful to the essence of the beloved video game series.
Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, directors of “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” will return to helm the new installment, while Matthew Fogel, the writer of the previous film, will pen the script. The film will be co-financed by Universal Pictures and Nintendo, with Universal Pictures handling worldwide theatrical distribution.
Nintendo’s announcement coincided with “Mario Day,” an annual celebration marked by the gaming company with special deals on games and devices. In a joint video, Meledandri and Miyamoto teased fans with hints of a “bright and fun story,” promising to expand Mario’s world further without divulging specific details.
Nintendo’s vast gaming universe, including titles like “Donkey Kong,” “The Legend of Zelda,” “Metroid,” and “Splatoon,” has captivated audiences globally, with over 5.6 billion video games and 800 million hardware units sold to date.
As anticipation builds for the upcoming animated adventure, fans eagerly await further updates on the expansion of Mario’s world and the exciting new journey that awaits.