In an effort to delve into the complexities of mental health awareness, Sony Pictures Animation is set to unveil a groundbreaking animated short titled “The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story.” Scheduled for release on Sony Pictures Animation’s YouTube channel at 6 a.m. PT on March 27, the short promises to navigate the struggles of Miles Morales, also known as Spider-Man, as he grapples with the multifaceted challenges of adolescence, friendship, academia, and his superhero alter ego.
Set within the universe of “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,” the narrative follows Miles Morales as he encounters a daunting hurdle in the form of a panic attack. This pivotal moment compels him to confront the manifestations of his anxiety, ultimately learning the significance of seeking support and the bravery it entails, akin to defending his city from malevolent forces.
The digital release of “The Spider Within” is not just entertainment but also a profound educational initiative. In collaboration with the Kevin Love Fund, the short will be integrated into the fund’s novel mental health-focused lesson plan, dubbed “The Hero Within.” This curriculum encourages students to explore their mental health experiences through creative activities, such as storyboard creation.
Jarelle Dampier, the director of “The Spider Within,” expressed the intention behind the project, stating, “Miles represents so many of us doing the best we can in our day-to-day lives.” Dampier hopes that the short film will spark meaningful conversations about mental health among friends and family, serving as a tribute to Miles Morales enthusiasts.
Kevin Love, the founder of the Kevin Love Fund, professional basketball player, and mental health advocate, shared his aspirations for the project, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging one’s emotions and seeking support. Love highlighted the significance of the depicted relationships in the short, illustrating the value of confiding in trusted individuals.
“The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story” made its debut at Annecy in 2023 and emerged from the inaugural year of Sony Pictures Animation and Sony Pictures Imageworks’ Leading and Empowering New Storytellers (LENS) program. This program offers leadership training opportunities to candidates from underrepresented groups, culminating in the creation of an original short film set in the existing world of a Sony Pictures Animation feature.
Written by Khaila Amazan and produced by LENS program creators Michelle Raimo-Kouyate and David Schulenburg, “The Spider Within” boasts an accomplished team, including Clara Chan as the vfx supervisor and Joe Darko as the animation supervisor. With its poignant narrative and innovative approach, the short film aims to spark crucial discussions on mental health while celebrating the resilience of its beloved protagonist, Miles Morales.