In a groundbreaking move set to redefine animated storytelling, DreamWorks Animation is gearing up for the release of its highly anticipated feature film, “The Wild Robot,” slated to hit theaters on September 20, 2024. With an ensemble of A-list voice actors and a team of seasoned filmmakers at the helm, the studio aims to set a new benchmark in the industry, blending cutting-edge animation techniques with a captivating narrative experience.
Based on the acclaimed science fiction tale by Peter Brown, “The Wild Robot” follows the journey of Roz, a mysterious robot voiced by the award-winning Lupita Nyong’o, as she navigates a lush deserted island. The film promises to delve into themes of survival, identity, and friendship, under the creative direction of screenwriter Chris Sanders and collaborator Dean DeBlois, known for their work on hits like “Lilo & Stitch” and “How to Train Your Dragon.”
With production designer Raymond Zibach onboard to elevate the visual aesthetics, “The Wild Robot” is poised to captivate audiences worldwide, drawing on DreamWorks Animation’s legacy of storytelling excellence as seen in past successes like “Kung Fu Panda” and “How to Train Your Dragon.”
This ambitious project not only reflects DreamWorks Animation’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of animated filmmaking but also signifies a strategic shift in production strategy, marking the last film to be fully produced at the DreamWorks Glendale studio. Complemented by an emotive score from composer Christopher Bowers, the film underscores the studio’s dedication to innovation and creative exploration.
As the animation industry continues to evolve amidst rising market demand and production challenges, “The Wild Robot” stands as a testament to DreamWorks Animation’s agility and vision, merging heartfelt storytelling with sustainable practices to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience.
For the latest updates and further information on “The Wild Robot” and other DreamWorks Animation projects, visit the official website at