Alloy Entertainment, known for its hit productions such as Netflix’s “You” and the upcoming “Pretty Little Liars: Summer School,” is embarking on a new venture into animation. The company has announced plans to adapt the upcoming children’s book “Christmas Forever: Escape to the North Pole” into its first animated feature film.
Written by Alloy Entertainment’s Head of Film, Elysa Dutton, the book is scheduled to be published in the fall through Penguin/Random House, featuring illustrations by Manu Montoya. Dutton, along with Alloy’s President and Chief Creative Officer, Leslie Morgenstein, will produce the project, which is currently seeking writers.
The story of “Christmas Forever: Escape to the North Pole” revolves around a group of ornaments who, tired of being confined to storage all year, hatch a plan to journey to the North Pole, where every day is Christmas.
Elysa Dutton, a seasoned film producer and production executive, drew inspiration from her father’s lively readings of beloved children’s books like “Where the Wild Things Are.” She expressed excitement about the project, describing it as a “bucket list moment.”
Alloy Entertainment’s recent successes in film and television, including the highly popular “You” series and the upcoming “Pretty Little Liars” spinoff, demonstrate its commitment to engaging storytelling across various platforms. According to Leslie Morgenstein, the company is constantly seeking to captivate audiences with compelling narratives and vibrant characters.
The announcement of Alloy Entertainment’s entry into animation marks a significant expansion of its creative endeavors. With a track record of delivering top-quality content, the company’s foray into this new realm is eagerly anticipated by fans and industry observers alike.
The animated adaptation of “Christmas Forever: Escape to the North Pole” promises to enchant audiences with its whimsical tale of ornaments dreaming big. Stay tuned for further developments on this exciting project from Alloy Entertainment.