Renowned animation studio Aardman has set the stage for excitement among young viewers and families with the announcement of upcoming seasons for two of its beloved IPs: Shaun the Sheep and Very Small Creatures.
Chief Creative Director at Aardman, Sarah Cox, highlighted the shared appeal of both series, noting their commitment to heartwarming character-driven comedy. Shaun the Sheep, a global sensation currently airing in 170 territories, will return with its seventh season comprising 20 episodes, bringing the total count to 190. Season 7 promises classic scenarios infused with rural charm, including Bitzer’s DIY endeavors, mishaps with a stuck tractor, and the Farmer’s misadventures in beekeeping. Notably, the season will feature the first-ever two-part episode, adding an extra layer of suspense for fans.
Sarah Muller, Senior Head of Commissioning at CBBC, expressed delight in bringing the new season to audiences, emphasizing the importance of culturally relevant and family-friendly content. Shaun the Sheep’s recent successes, including an Emmy-winning half-hour special and an International Kids Emmy for Season 6, underscore its enduring popularity and acclaim.
In addition to Shaun the Sheep, Aardman has greenlit Season 3 of Very Small Creatures, a preschool IP that has garnered nominations and acclaim since its inception. Originally a spin-off from Aardman’s classic Morph, the series has carved its own identity and secured re-commissions due to its streaming success. Season 3 will continue to captivate young viewers with the playful antics of Pink, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Orange in the playroom, promising plenty of laughter and heart in each short adventure.
Lucy Murphy, Director of Kids Content at Sky, expressed enthusiasm for collaborating with Aardman once again, highlighting the endearing qualities of the Very Small Creatures and their appeal to young audiences.
Both Shaun the Sheep Season 7 and Very Small Creatures Season 3 are poised to delight fans with their timeless charm and engaging storytelling. With production underway, audiences can anticipate the release of these new seasons in 2025 and late 2024, respectively.