In a strategic move aimed at expanding their creative horizons, DreamWorks Animation (DWA) has announced a partnership with Story Kitchen, a leading media company specializing in universe building and franchise architecture. The collaboration solidifies Story Kitchen’s position as the go-to source for adapting video game intellectual property (IP) into captivating animated content for global audiences.
Under the terms of the partnership, Story Kitchen will provide DWA with a first-look at exciting and iconic video game IP ripe for adaptation into animated films. This alliance marks a significant milestone for Story Kitchen since its inception in 2022.
“We’re incredibly excited to work with DreamWorks Animation as our first official film partner since SK launched in 2022,” stated Story Kitchen in a press release.
DreamWorks Animation, renowned for its legacy of immersive world-building in films, aligns perfectly with Story Kitchen’s expertise in translating video game narratives into feature films and TV series. Although no specific adaptations are currently in development, both parties anticipate making future announcements soon.
Founded by Dmitri M. Johnson, producer of Sonic The Hedgehog, and former APA Agent/Partner Mike Goldberg, along with industry veterans Timothy I. Stevenson and Dan Jevons, Story Kitchen specializes in adapting non-traditional IP, particularly video games, into compelling cinematic experiences. Notable recent projects include adaptations of Crystal Dynamics’ iconic Tomb Raider franchise and the critically acclaimed video game “It Takes Two,” which premiered on Amazon.
This partnership underscores the growing trend of multimedia collaborations, where established entertainment companies seek to capitalize on the rich storytelling potential of video games. With Story Kitchen’s proven track record and DreamWorks Animation’s renowned creativity, audiences can anticipate a new wave of animated adventures that seamlessly blend the worlds of gaming and cinema.