In an exciting announcement at the recent San Diego Comic-Con, Adult Swim revealed a sneak peek of “Uzumaki,” the eagerly anticipated animated adaptation of Junji Ito’s supernatural horror manga. Fans of the genre can mark their calendars for September 28, when the series is set to premiere at 12:30am during the Toonami block, with episodes streaming the following day on Max.
“Uzumaki” centers on Kirie Goshima, a high school girl from the eerie town of Kurouzu-cho. As her hometown falls under the sinister grip of a ‘spiral’ curse, Kirie makes a desperate attempt to escape the mounting chaos. The narrative promises to deliver the same spine-chilling experience that has captivated manga readers, now brought to life through animation.
Adult Swim has partnered with Production IG USA to bring this haunting tale to the screen, with Jason DeMarco serving as executive producer. The series will be presented in Japanese with English subtitles, ensuring authenticity for die-hard fans of the original manga. Additionally, both Japanese and English dubbed versions will be available for streaming on Max the day after each episode airs. For those who prefer to catch up on TV, English-language encore airings are scheduled every Thursday at 12:30am starting October 3.
With its debut drawing closer, “Uzumaki” promises to be a must-watch for horror enthusiasts and anime fans alike, bringing Junji Ito’s masterful storytelling and unique horror vision to a broader audience.