Marvel Animation made a significant splash at D23, revealing an impressive lineup of upcoming projects. The event began with a sneak peek at X-Men ’97 season 2, where fans learned that the iconic team will don the black and yellow uniforms from Grant Morrison’s New X-Men run. The preview also teased appearances from characters like Apocalypse, Bishop, Danger, Mariko, Polaris, and Warlock when the highly anticipated series returns to Disney+ in the near future.
In a surprising update, it was confirmed that What If…? will conclude with its third season. Oscar Isaac is set to return as Moon Knight, and the season will feature characters such as Ironheart and White Vision. One notable episode will showcase Captain America leading a team in Gundam-style mechs to combat Gamma Monsters, with Sam Wilson delivering the iconic “Avengers Assemble!” line.
A new series titled Eyes of Wakanda will explore the rich history of Wakanda over four episodes. The series, developed by veteran storyboard artist Todd Harris and Black Panther director Ryan Coogler, will include the appearance of Iron Fist.
Another highlight was the announcement of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which promises a fresh take on the web-slinger’s adventures. In this version, Norman Osborn steps in as Peter Parker’s mentor, replacing Iron Man, though his methods are notably less heroic. The biggest news was the casting of Fear The Walking Dead star Colman Domingo as the voice of Norman Osborn, quashing previous rumors of a Kang the Conqueror role. Hudson Thames, who starred in What If…?, will return to voice Spider-Man.
Footage from the show revealed Spidey’s first encounter with Doctor Strange, several new costumes, and a Venom-like villain believed to be inspired by Blackheart rather than the Symbiote. In a major twist, Peter Parker gains his powers from a magical spider, not from a scientific accident, signaling a unique origin story.
The event concluded with a preview of Marvel Zombies, now confirmed as a What If…? sequel. The four-episode series, rated TV-MA, showcased a chilling scene where Shang-Chi and Katy are attacked by zombies, with Shang-Chi being bitten. However, Wenwu arrives just in time to save his son using the Ten Rings, leading to a flash-forward to a post-apocalyptic future set five years later.
With so many thrilling projects on the horizon, Marvel fans have plenty to look forward to. Which of these Marvel Animation shows are you most excited about?