Paloma Baeza, the acclaimed filmmaker behind BAFTA-winning projects like “The House” and “Poles Apart,” has recently completed production on her latest venture, a hand-drawn animated short film titled “Three Hares.” This ecologically focused film, directed by Baeza and adapted from an original story by renowned author Hanya Yanagihara, intertwines the mystical origins of the ancient three hares symbol with a powerful environmental narrative.
The story follows three sisters who serve as guardians of the earth, striving to remind humanity of the importance of respecting nature for the sake of their future. Narrating this poignant tale is none other than Oscar and BAFTA nominee Jessie Buckley, known for her roles in films like “The Lost Daughter” and “Wild Rose.”
Adding depth and emotion to the film is an original score composed by two-time Oscar winner Gustavo Santaolalla, along with co-composer Juan Luqui. Their collaboration infuses the project with an immersive and magical ambiance.
Behind the scenes, an all-female producing team spearheaded the project. Amy Nauiokas and Rebecca Choi from Archer Gray, alongside Ruth Fielding, Camilla Deakin, and Vanessa Wheeler from Lupus Films, as well as Beth Hutchens from FoundRae, joined forces to bring this vision to life.
Leading a talented group of animators and artists at Lupus Films’ London studio were award-winning animation director Neil Boyle, along with art directors Sharon Liu and Aaron Lampert. Together, they crafted a visually stunning canvas that enhances the film’s message.
Director Paloma Baeza expressed her enthusiasm for the project, describing it as a labor of love that exceeded her expectations. She praised the collaborative efforts of the team, emphasizing their dedication to delivering a message they firmly believe in.
“Three Hares” is a production of Archer Gray in association with Lupus Films, promising to captivate audiences with its enchanting storytelling and timely environmental themes.