Lionsgate Television is developing a new series titled John Wick: Under the High Table, continuing the saga after the events...
Read moreBasilic Fly, a prominent VFX studio headquartered in Chennai, has announced its acquisition of a 70% stake in London and...
Read moreIn a groundbreaking move in the realm of visual entertainment services, DNEG has officially introduced its latest venture, DNEG 360,...
Read moreIn a groundbreaking move, director Wes Ball has announced plans for a unique DVD release of "Kingdom of the Planet...
Read moreIn a groundbreaking collaboration, DNEG, the award-winning VFX and animation studio, joins forces with Prime Focus Studios, helmed by global...
Read moreIn a groundbreaking move for the post-production industry, Atmos, a new cloud-based VFX and animation studio, has officially launched. Spearheaded...
Read moreRed Chillies VFX, renowned for its mastery in visual effects, has unveiled the intricate work behind the cinematic spectacle of...
Read moreVisual effects powerhouse MPC has contributed significantly to the upcoming Netflix film "Spaceman," collaborating closely with director Johan Renck and...
Read moreVisual effects powerhouse DNEG has made a significant move in the realm of digital character creation by securing the exclusive...
Read moreIn a move to address the extensive computing needs of industries reliant on complex visual effects and computer graphics, Amazon...
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