In a groundbreaking cinematic venture, the Dominican Republic’s vibrant cultural landscape takes center stage as famed Merengue and Bachata singer Jean Gabriel Guerra directs the first-ever animated film from the nation, “Capitan Avispa.” This adventurous tale follows the exploits of the valiant Capitán Avispa, defender of Avispatrópolis and the Honey Kingdom, as he confronts the malevolent wasp Jacques Poison and his minions, testing his integrity and valor in the face of evil.
With a stellar cast led by renowned artist Luis Fonsi lending his voice to the titular character, “Capitan Avispa” has captivated audiences across 33 countries, including the United States, Puerto Rico, South and Central America, Canada, and Spain. Directed in collaboration with Jonnathan Melendez and scripted by Guerra, Gustavo Alberto Lopez, and Miguel Yarull, the film delivers an inspiring narrative packed with themes of courage, camaraderie, and self-belief, resonating with viewers of all ages.
To mark this monumental release, “Capitan Avispa” has forged strategic partnerships with international brands such as Claro and Burger King. These collaborations offer unique promotions that enhance the cinematic experience and amplify the film’s presence in key Latin American markets.
With its blend of captivating storytelling and cultural richness, “Capitan Avispa” not only entertains but also serves as a beacon of inspiration, igniting the imaginations and hearts of audiences worldwide. As it continues to soar to new heights, this animated masterpiece reaffirms the power of storytelling to unite and uplift communities across the globe.