In a significant move within the animation industry, Kalpana Malviya, previously associated with Zee Entertainment, has been appointed as the Executive Director International at Amazing Animation (AA), an Indian studio renowned for its 3D and 2D animation TV series, films, and visual effects. With an aim to bolster the studio’s global presence, Malviya will lead efforts in fostering strategic partnerships and expanding AA’s reach across international markets.
Malviya brings with her a wealth of experience, having most recently served as the CEO of Rarefied Studio, a multicultural content company she founded in 2021. Prior to that, she held pivotal roles at Zee Entertainment Americas, including Senior Director of Original Programming. Her career also spans creative directorship and co-executive production at Wingman Pictures, along with a tenure as a producer at Zee Entertainment Enterprises.
The appointment comes at a pivotal moment for Amazing Animation, which operates from Mumbai and has established offices in Hyderabad, New York, and London. Asif Khan, the CEO and founder of AA, expressed confidence in Malviya’s ability to drive the studio’s international expansion, citing her proven expertise in international business development and her unwavering passion for the animation industry.
In response to her new role, Malviya conveyed her excitement, emphasizing the universal appeal of animation and its capacity to captivate audiences worldwide. She expressed her commitment to working alongside the esteemed team at AA, envisioning a journey of international growth and innovation that would solidify the studio’s position as a frontrunner in the global animation landscape.
With Malviya at the helm of its international endeavors, Amazing Animation anticipates making significant strides towards establishing itself as a dominant force in the animation industry.