The Iranian short animation “Piano,” directed by Marjan Keshani and Shahab Shamsi, has been selected for the competition section of the 6th Directed By Women Festival in Turkey, scheduled to take place in Istanbul from September 13 to 15.
Produced by the Documentary, Experimental, and Animation Film Center (DEFC), “Piano” will vie for the Best International Short Film title against 11 other contenders, according to a report by ILNA.
This 7-minute animation delves into the themes of poverty and the struggles of life, narrating the tale of an individual whose dream of owning a piano is shattered by the outbreak of war, leaving them to grapple with even the most basic needs.
Directed By Women Turkey is part of a global festival network that showcases films by female directors, bringing together a diverse range of voices and perspectives from around the world. The festival, which has been held annually in various countries, including New York and Spain, celebrates women filmmakers and their unique stories.