A new animated feature film, “Mars,” written and starring members of the American sketch comedy TV series “The Whitest Kids U’ Know,” is gearing up for its much-anticipated debut at the Tribeca Film Festival. Selected as part of the prestigious Tribeca Midnight program, known for its daring and thrilling content, “Mars” promises audiences an out-of-this-world experience.
Directed by Sevan Najarian, “Mars” follows the escapades of Kyle, a man on the brink of a life-altering decision. Engaged to his fiancée and firmly established in his career as a dentist, Kyle’s path seems predestined. However, a chance encounter with a billionaire’s Mars travel contest throws his carefully planned life into chaos. Opting to forego his wedding for the adventure of a lifetime, Kyle embarks on a journey to the red planet, only to find himself in a bizarre and perilous situation.
The film, set to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on June 6, offers a comedic take on the challenges of space travel and the unpredictability of life’s twists and turns. Penned by Trevor Moore, Zach Cregger, and Sam Brown, and produced by a talented team including Najaraian, Moore, Cregger, Brown, and Kara Welker, “Mars” boasts a stellar lineup both on and off-screen.
Executive producers Timmy Williams, Darren Trumeter, Welker, and Aimee Carlson round out the creative team behind this eagerly awaited cinematic adventure. With its blend of humor, adventure, and unexpected twists, “Mars” promises to be a standout feature at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, offering audiences a journey they won’t soon forget.