WOLF BREAD, a dynamic multimedia company known for its innovative approach to bringing global pop culture experiences to India, has announced the launch of WOLF BREAD Animation Studio. Nestled in the heart of Mumbai, this new venture marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey towards redefining animation production in the country.
Initially recognized for its involvement in animation and CGI for music videos, WOLF BREAD swiftly identified a burgeoning demand for top-tier animation services across various sectors. What commenced as an initiative to infuse a fresh aesthetic into its music video campaigns has now blossomed into the establishment of a full-fledged animation studio.
Taufiq Khan, the visionary founder of WOLF BREAD Animation Studio, expressed his enthusiasm for the venture, stating, “With WOLF BREAD, we are embarking on a mission to cultivate a vibrant community. Our goal extends beyond mere profit-making; we aspire to collaborate with studios and brands that resonate with our vision. Over the next 5-10 years, our ambition is to materialize our dream of creating full-fledged animation films, reminiscent of the caliber seen in Disney or Pixar productions. We are committed for the long haul, determined to disrupt the industry and democratize access to high-quality animation for all.”
The establishment of WOLF BREAD Animation Studio represents a significant step forward in India’s animation landscape. With its strategic location in Mumbai, the studio is poised to leverage the city’s vibrant creative ecosystem and talent pool. By prioritizing accessibility and affordability, WOLF BREAD aims to make premium animation services accessible to a broader audience, transcending geographical and economic barriers.
The launch of WOLF BREAD Animation Studio underscores the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence. As it ventures into the realm of animation production, WOLF BREAD is poised to leave an indelible mark on the industry, ushering in a new era of creativity and possibility.