XTR, the renowned film and television studio behind the acclaimed feature documentary Daughters and Oscar-nominated Ascension, has acquired AI-driven film and animation studio Late Night Labs. Leveraging Late Night Labs’ cutting-edge proprietary technology, XTR is launching Asteria Film Co., a new holding company dedicated to producing animation, fiction, and non-fiction film and television content. Asteria will also house XTR’s streaming platform and FAST channel, Documentary+.
“Asteria is the Pixar of AI,” said Bryn Mooser, Asteria co-founder. “Late Night Labs has built revolutionary technology that empowers filmmakers to expand their creativity, amplifying their visions rather than replacing them.”
Late Night Labs co-founder Benjamin Michel added, “We’re excited to join Bryn in building Asteria. His innovation in virtual reality and immersive storytelling continues to reshape the entertainment industry.”
Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.